Watch as 100 attendees from all departments of ARTE participate in a Prompt Challenge session organized by Artefact in Paris in March 2024.

ARTE is the European culture channel, dedicated to making culture a living link between European citizens. A Franco-German and European public service streaming platform and television channel, ARTE supports creativity and culture in all its forms. Its programs are available on all devices and screens throughout Europe and beyond.

Because its programs are broadcast in six languages, 70% of Europeans are able to watch ARTE in their mother tongue. The founders of ARTE believed that a joint television channel should bring citizens closer together on a cultural level and promote cultural integration throughout Europe.

Experiential training tools to foster GenAI acculturation and engagement

When ARTE wanted to accelerate their digital transformation, they called on Artefact’s expertise to help deploy their generative AI strategy. The company’s Executive Committee, followed by its 500 employees, attended an interactive Masterclass on generative AI, then experimented with the Prompt Challenge format, during which they learned how to manipulate generative AI tools on use cases specific to their business functions. Each was followed by an intensive ideation period.

“To acculturate the Comex to generative AI, we held a preliminary session with a conference, a prompt challenge and ideation. Once completed, we held a second session to delve deeper into the use cases we identified to see how the company could use AI for their own needs.”
Vincent Asquin, Lead Gen AI Acculturation & Adoption at Artefact Open Innovation

ARTE was so pleased with the outcome of the sessions that they decided to roll out the initiative to all their employees in Paris and Strasbourg. “As a result, we’re currently in the process of training virtually everyone. The video shows a session with 100 people held in Paris in March 2024,” says Vincent.

How Masterclasses and Prompt Challenges work together to teach and inspire

The objectives of Artefact’s Masterclasses and Prompt Challenges are to teach participants about the added value (and challenges) of generative AI while they learn the basics of generative AI by exploiting the potential of collective intelligence.

Masterclasses enable a global understanding of GenAI and the context around it by:

  • Demonstrating its capabilities, applications, and implications (productivity, costs, quality…).

  • Demistifying worries about Gen AI (not magic / won’t replace jobs).

  • Discovering concrete use cases deployed in other companies / sectors.

  • Enhancing understanding of ethical, environmental, legal issues, data ownership.

Prompt Challenges are fun and competitive educational workshops on the use of GenAI. Participants experiment with use cases tailored to the specific needs of their job functions. They work in small teams of three or four to ensure individual engagement and hands-on practice. This will help them harness the power of AI tools in their daily tasks.

The program adapts and is personalized based on:

  • The industry.

  • The hierarchical level of the participants.

  • Their company’s business challenges.

  • The level of tool proficiency.

  • The tools available in the company and their versions.

“ARTE has always been extremely attentive to the development of technologies and their creative potential.”
Adeline Cornet, General Secretary at ARTE France

Working collaboratively with generative AI to solve problems at every level of the business

The Excom and employee GenAI sessions identified over 40 use cases, including six actionable and high value use cases to explore:

  • Information processing and editorial optimization solutions.

  • Optimization of website visuals, trailers.

  • Reading the program inventory according to current events.

  • Quick analysis of the ARTE performance monitoring dashboard.

  • Production support solutions (e.g. brief for the creation of graphic universes / logos).

  • Scenario analysis and synthesis.

Among the eager attendees was Leah Galmiche, Head of Marketing at ARTE France. “I wanted to participate in this training because generative artificial intelligence is huge! It’s a tidal wave that is going to completely change everything we do: how we live, how we get information, how we consume content, and how we work.”

“The training went extremely well because Artefact was able to support those who were among the least experienced in using these technologies with more advanced elements that allowed us to appeal to more experienced people.”
Simon Oualid, CTO at ARTE

ARTE will continue this approach, as it has allowed employees to familiarize themselves with generative AI technologies in preparation for their enterprise-wide rollout. “Because we’re deploying these technologies as close to the users as possible, this training means that once these technologies are in place, people will be able to use them and get the most out of them,” concludes Simon.