
Privacy Policy

This website is exploited by Artefact S.A., a single-shareholder simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of 3,813,939.90 €, registered with the Paris Registry of Trade and Companies under the number 418 267 704, located at 19 rue Richer, 75009 Paris, France (hereafter “Artefact” or “We” or “Our”).

For the purposes of the applicable data protection laws, including but not limited to, the EU general data protection regulation 2016/679 dated April 27, 2016 (hereafter the “GDPR”) and the French law no.78-17 dated January 6, 1978 relating to IT, files and liberties and/or any other applicable data protection regulations (together referred to as the “Data Protection Regulations”), Artefact is the Data Controller for your Personal Data provided to us (hereafter the “Data Controller”).

This privacy policy (hereafter the “Privacy Policy”), and our general terms and conditions and any other documents to which it makes reference, defines the means by which we obtain and process the information concerning the persons who visit and use this website, accessible on the following URL address: (hereafter the “Website”).

By using and visiting the Website and/or by submitting us with your Personal Data, and/or by signing up as a user of our services, you are invited to read and accept this Privacy Policy. We may from time to time modify our Privacy Policy. Any modification shall be effective as from its publication on the Website. We shall inform you of any significant modification. This policy was last updated on October 14, 2024.

Our Website may include links and/or tabs to and from websites of our networks of partners, advertizers and affiliates (for instance, Startupinside and School of Data) or to social networks (LinkedIn, Instagram, Weixin, X and YouTube) through hypertext links. If you follow a link to one of these websites and/or social networks, please note that these websites and/or social networks have their own specific privacy policy and that we shall not accept any responsibility for these policies. Please verify these policies prior to submitting your Personal Data on these websites and/or social networks.

Some definitions for a better understanding of our Privacy Policy: 

Intermediate Archiving”: means the displacement of Personal Data which continues to be of an administrative interest for Artefact (such as for litigation) and/or in the event of a legal obligation, in a separate data base, separated logistically or physically and for which, in any event, access is restricted. This archive is an intermediary stage prior to the deletion of the relevant Personal Data or its anonymization.

Personal Data”: means the personal data collected and processed by Artefact in the context of your use of our Website, in particular, when you complete the registration forms to obtain information on our activities, to receive the newsletter, to sign-up to our events proposed on the Website, to apply to our job offers, by contacting us directly by email and/or by telephone.

Data Subject”: means the person for whom their Personal Data is processed by Artefact, in particular, the Website users, prospects, clients, partners, candidates for job offers.

Data Controller”: means the person, individual or legal entity, who determines the purposes of the Processing and their means of implementation thereof.

Data Processor”: means the individual or legal entity, public authority, service or other body processing the Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller.

Processing”: means any operation or set of operations carried out by Artefact as Data Controller from the Personal Data collected from the Website or directly from Artefact.

1. Why do we collect your Personal Data

We obtain your Personal Data during your browsing of the Website and when you fill out any of the forms on our Website and, generally, in the context of your relations with Artefact, under the conditions set forth below.

  • To enable you to use the Website

When you browse the Website, we collect browsing data through the cookies, in the cookie management policy accessible here. This Processing is based on Artefact’s legitimate interest, for which your Personal Data is stored during the browsing of the Website.

  • To sign-up to our newsletter

When you sign-up to our newsletter, we obtain and process your surname, first name and your information relating to your professional activity, including your professional (solely) email address, your company, position and reference country to send you our newsletter. If you accept the receipt of newsletters from other companies of the Artefact group, we shall only share your Personal Data in the Artefact group for such purposes.

This Processing is based on Artefact’s legitimate interest as its newsletter is directed at professionals (BtoB). You may deregister at any time by using the unsubscribe link included on each newsletter sent.

We shall store your Personal Data throughout our continuous relation with you, i.e., three (3) years as from your subscription to the newsletter or as from your last interaction with Artefact. After this period, or once you have exercised your right of objection, your Personal Data may be stored in Intermediate Archiving in a reject file or for evidential purposes during the statutory retention periods.

  • To contact us

When you send us a message via the contact form, we obtain and process your first name, surname, company, activity sector and position, email address, reference country and the purpose and content of your message.

This Processing is based on our legitimate interest to identify our contacts. If you do not provide your Personal Data, it may be impossible for us to process your message properly or not at all.

We shall only retain your Personal Data for the period necessary to respond to your message. Following this period, your Personal Data may be stored in Intermediate Archiving for evidential purposes during the statutory retention periods.

  • To apply to us

When you apply for a position via the careers’ form, we may obtain and process your Personal Data, according to the information that you provide to us: your first name, surname, email address, telephone number (optional), your LinkedIn profile (optional), the office and position for which you are applying, your CV and motivation letter.

The legal basis for this Processing relates to the enforcement of pre-contractual measures for the drafting of an employment contract.

If your application is not retained, we shall delete your Personal Data, unless you authorize us to store it to be used for future job offers. When you have given your consent, we shall store your Personal Data for a period of two (2) years, unless you previously withdraw your consent.

If your application is accepted, the Personal Data obtained during the recruitment process shall be transferred to your personal file and stored for the duration of your employment with Artefact. As the case maybe, you shall be provided with a separate customized information notice mentioning the purposes of the Processing and the implementation methods.

  • For our events management

When you sign-up or participate in one of our events (as a participant), whether or not organized with partners, we collect your identification data (surname, first name, telephone number, postal address, photograph only for the participants) and the information relating to your professional activity (position).

This Processing is based on our legitimate interest to ensure the proper management and organization of our events , with the exception of the authorization of right to the image given by the participants for the diffusion of their photograph.

We shall only store your Personal Data for the duration of the relevant event.

  • To post information content

When posting videos, podcasts or photos taken during our events, your identification data (surname, first name, photograph) and the information relating to your professional activity (your position and company) is collected and processed.

This Processing is based on the Data Subject’s consent in relation to the dissemination of this information content on our Website.

We shall store your Personal Data for the relevant contractual relation, then in Intermediate Archiving for a period of five (5) years as from the end of the contractual relation.

  • To exercise your rights under the conditions of Article 3

When you activate a request for the exercise of rights under the conditions of Article 3 – Your rights, we collect and process your email address, first name and surname and the content of your message which we store on an active basis for the duration of processing the request. Following this period, your Personal Data may be stored in Intermediate Archiving for evidential purposes during the statutory retention periods.

2. Personal Data sharing

The Personal Data collected is exclusively intended for the exclusive use of the persons authorized in-house at Artefact (in particular, its HR team, for managing your job offer applications) or its subsidiaries, in particular for the dissemination of their newsletters (hereafter the “Artefact Group”).

Similarly, the Personal Data is intended for providers, some of whom act as Artefact’s Data Processors, i.e.:

    • Digital Seeder, in charge of the maintenance and hosting of the Website and your Personal Data which is stored on OVH’s servers located in the European Union;
    • Greenhouse, for the management of your applications to our job offers;
    • Salesforce / Pardot editing a CRM solution for the management of our prospects and our clients;
    • Nomination, enabling the creation of newsletter dissemination lists targeted at professionals;
    • GoTo, for organizing video-conferences.

3. Your rights

As a Data Subject and in accordance with the Personal Data Regulations, you have a right of access, storage, portability, deletion, modification and rectification of your Personal Data. You also have the right to object to the Processing of your Personal Data, and from your data being used for the purposes of commercial prospection, and exercising the right for the limitation of Processing. Finally, you have the right to define the general and specific guidelines defining the means by which you intend to exercise these rights after your demise.

  • Access rights

You may obtain from Artefact the confirmation that your Personal Data is processed or not, and, when processed, the access for such Personal Data, and the following information:

  1. the Processing purposes;
  2. the Personal Data categories;
  3. the recipients or categories of recipients for which the Personal Data has been or shall be communicated;
  4. when this is possible, the envisaged storage duration of the Personal Data, or, when this is not possible, the criteria used to determine such duration;
  5. the existence of the right to request Artefact the rectification or deletion of Personal Data, or a limitation of Processing of Personal Data, or the right to object to such Processing;
  6. the right to file a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority;
  7. when the Personal Data is not collected from the Data Subject, any information available regarding its source;
  8. the existence of automated decision making, including a profiling, and, in such case, the useful information concerning the underlying logistics, and the importance and consequences provided for this Processing for the Data Subject.

When the Personal Data is transferred to a third party country or an international organization, you have the right to be informed of the appropriate guarantees, concerning this transfer.

Artefact shall provide a copy of the Personal Data subject to such Processing.

Artefact may require the payment of reasonable expenses based on the administrative costs for any supplementary copy requested.

When you present your request by email, the information is provided in standard electronic format, unless requested otherwise.

The right to obtain a copy must not impact third parties’ rights and liberties.

  • Rectification rights

You have the possibility to obtain from Artefact as soon as possible, the rectification of inaccurate Personal Data. You may also request that incomplete Personal Data be completed, including by providing a complementary statement.

  • Deletion rights

You have the right to obtain from Artefact the deletion, as soon as possible, of your Personal Data, if one of the following reasons apply:

  1. The Personal Data is no longer necessary with regard to the purposes for which it was collected or processed otherwise by Artefact;
  2. You have withdrawn your consent for the Processing of your Personal Data and there is no other legal basis for the Processing;
  3. You have exercised your right of objection under the conditions recalled below and there is no compelling legitimate reason for the Processing;
  4. The Personal Data has been subject to unlawful Processing;
  5. The Personal Data must be deleted to respect a legal obligation;
  6. The Personal Data has been collected from a child.
  • Limitation rights

You have the possibility to obtain from Artefact the limitation of the Processing of Personal Data, when one of the following reasons apply:

  1. For Artefact to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data following your objection with regard to the accuracy of the Personal Data;
  2. The Processing is unlawful and you object to the deletion of the Personal Data and require instead the limitation of its use;
  3. Artefact no longer requires the Personal Data for the purposes of the Processing but the latter is still necessary for you for the acknowledgment, exercise or defense of your judicial rights;
  4. You have objected to the Processing under the conditions recalled hereafter and Artefact shall verify whether the legitimate reasons prevail over such alleged reasons.
  • Right of Data portability

You have the possibility to receive your Personal Data from Artefact, in a structured format, commonly used and legible by machine, when:

  1. The Processing of Personal Data is based on consent, or on an agreement and,
  2. The Processing is accomplished based on automated processing.

When you exercise your right of portability, you have the right to obtain that your Personal Data be transferred directly by Artefact to another Data Controller that it shall designate when this is technically possible.

The right to the portability of Personal Data must not impact third parties’ rights and liberties.

  • Right of objection

You may object at any time, for reasons relating to your specific situation, to Personal Data Processing based on Artefact’s legitimate interest. Accordingly, the latter shall no longer process the Personal Data, unless it can establish that there are compelling and legitimate reasons for the Processing which prevail over your interests and the rights and liberties or may store such Data for the acknowledgment, exercise or defense of judicial rights.

  • Post-mortem directives

You have the possibility to communicate directives to Artefact relating to the retention, deletion and communication of your Personal Data after your demise, and such directives may also be registered with a “an entrusted and authorized digital third party”. These directives, or type of “digital will”, may designate a person in charge with its enforcement; failing that, your heirs shall be designated.

In the absence of any directive, the Data Subject’s heirs may contact Artefact in order to:

  • access the Personal Data Processing enabling the organization and settlement of the deceased’s estate”;
  • receive communication of the “digital assets” or “data belonging to family souvenirs, transferable to heirs”;
  • object to the continuation of the Personal Data Processing.

In any event, you may mention to Artefact, at any time that you do not wish, in the event of demise, that your Personal Data be communicated to a third party.

You may exercise these rights with the data protection officer at the following address: privacy[@] or by post to Ydès Avocats, 12, Cours Albert 1er 75008 Paris, France.

Artefact has a period of one month to respond as from receipt of your request.

As necessary, this time period may be extended by two months by Artefact which shall notify you, given the complexity and/or number of requests.

In the event of a request for the deletion of your Personal Data and/or in the event of exercise of your right to request the deletion of your Personal Data, Artefact may nonetheless store your Personal Data in the form of Intermediate Archiving, and for the duration necessary to meet its legal obligations, or for evidential purposes during the applicable statute of limitation period.

Finally, you have the right to file a complaint with the local competent control body, for instance, before the National Data Protection Authority (CNIL), in France, if you consider that the Processing of your Personal Data is not compliant with the Personal Data Regulations, at the following address:

CNIL – Complaints department
3, place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07
Tel.: 01 53 73 22 22

4. Where we store your Personal Data

Your Personal Data may be transferred and stored in a place located outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”). For example, certain companies of the Artefact Group are located outside of the EEA. In such case, we take all the measures that are reasonably necessary to guarantee that your Personal Data be processed securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Any transfer of your Personal Data outside of the EEA shall be based on an adequacy decision or shall be governed by the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission in their applicable version.

5. Data Security

We place the utmost importance on the protection of your Personal Data. On our Website, each time that you actively enter your data, we use encryption systems, such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer), in order to protect your Personal Data. We have secured our Website and other systems by technical and organizational measures against the loss, destruction, access, modification or the distribution of your data by unauthorized persons.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via Internet is not entirely secure. Even although we do our utmost to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee the security of the data that you send to our Website; any transmission is undertaken at your own risk. As from the receipt of your information, we use strict security procedures and measures to prevent any unauthorized access, destruction or alteration of data. With technological advancement, we are able to regularly update and enhance the security and organizational measures in order to retain an adequate level of security.

6. Complementary information and contacts

If you have any other questions concerning this policy, please contact:
Ydès Avocats
12, Cours Albert 1er
75008 Paris