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Enhancing commercial integrity with AI for business transparency

In today's China, beating fraud and staying ethical is essential for long-term success. The post-pandemic slowdown exposes weak spots, echoing Warren Buffett's warning: "Only when...

The great data platform race: Why your AI strategy might be missing the mark

Remember Business Objects? If you do, you might see where I'm going with this. We're heading into a period where Large Language Models (LLMs) capable...

The era of generative AI: What’s changing

The abundance and diversity of responses to ChatGPT and other generative AIs, whether skeptical or enthusiastic, demonstrate the changes they're bringing about and the impact...

Demystifying brand and long term effect measurement in Marketing Mix Modelling

Did you recently make a significant purchase, like a new phone, car, furniture or even jewellery? If yes, then you are probably not buying them...

SODEXO, L’OREAL and NAAIA at the Adopt AI Summit by Artefact – The importance of trustworthy AI

The round table highlighted that trust in AI is essential for its implementation and adoption. This includes legal regulation, model reliability, and users' subjective trust....

Generative AI: companies face the challenge of industrialization

PoCs in generative AI have proliferated, mainly in large companies. But few initiatives have been industrialized due to their complexity. Hanan Ouazan, Partner and Generative...