
CDP World

Level up customer data expertise – The 2nd annual global summit for the CDP community

Powered by Treasure Data, CDP World is a two-day conference that brings together top marketing and data leaders from around the world dedicated to leveraging customer data to propel the business forward.

As a Diamond Sponsor, Artefact will be there alongside leaders from various industries – Retail, CPG, Automotive, Tech and more-alongside C-levels executives, data professionals, technology innovators, and thought leaders. This event presents an excellent opportunity to explore the latest innovations and engage in meaningful discussions on the critical role Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) play in driving business success.

This year’s theme “Level Up your AI and Data Game” will delve into the new opportunities CDPs offer to maximize business growth and customer engagement.


Artefact will be hosting two key sessions:

  • A keynote on the mainstage, featuring client feedback on how CDPs can transform customer experience and knowledge

  • A roundtable discussion on strategies for leveraging client data to boost business growth.




