
GenAI meetup - PyData x phospho x Artefact - Utrecht

Next level GenAI innovation to production: image interaction and quality metrics

We’d like to invite you to our meetup hosted at our office in Utrecht on August 7th, directly next to the Utrecht central train station! The meetup theme is centered around how to bring GenAI to production, but not just production, production to the next level. More specifically, our Artefact team will demonstrate how we use GenAI for the generation of customized, production-ready marketing images and the Phospho team will illustrate how to integrate robust ML best practices on scales of quality metrics for GenAI products.


  • 18:00 – 19:00 | Welcome with food and drinks

  • 19:00 – 19:45 | Talk 1 – “GenAI Image Interaction: a next step beyond LLM text chatbots” by Arthur Lambert and Priya Sarkar

  • 19:45 – 20:00 | Break

  • 20:00 – 20:45 | Talk 2 – “Emerging best practices in Analyzing Usage Patterns and Quantifying Quality Metrics for GenAI Products” by Paul-Louis Venard and Pierre-Louis Biojout

  • 20:45 – 22:00 | Networking & Drinks

[Talk 1]: “GenAI Image Interaction: a next step beyond LLM text chatbots”

We’ve all experienced the capabilities of GenAI chatbots for data interaction. Now, it’s time to explore the new GenAI innovations that Artefact is developing. Discover how GenAI is transforming marketing by accelerating asset creation and reducing costs. In this talk, we’ll demonstrate how we’re using GenAI to generate customized, production-ready marketing images. You’ll also gain insights into automating the processes, enhancing efficiency for creativity based applications and learn about the quality metrics essential for monitoring and enhancing model performance.

[Talk 2]: “Emerging best practices in Analyzing Usage Patterns and Quantifying Quality Metrics for GenAI Products”

Discover how to apply machine learning (ML) emerging best practices to Generative AI (GenAI) applications, specifically focusing on Large Language Models (LLMs) and diffusion models. This talk targets ML engineers and developers aiming to enhance their GenAI products through a quantified evaluation of model quality and user interaction analysis. Learn to implement rigorous, measurable standards to improve and understand GenAI applications.

The rapid advancement in Generative AI technologies, including LLMs and diffusion models, has empowered ML engineers and developers to build new and powerful products. However, the integration of robust ML best practices into the development of these products is still nascent. This session aims to bridge that gap by introducing established methodologies from traditional ML to enhance the reliability and effectiveness of GenAI applications.


Arthur Lambert

Arthur Lambert, Senior Data Scientist & GenAI Expert

Artefact Benelux

Arthur joined Artefact in March 2022, after obtaining two master’s degrees in the fields of mathematics and economics. Within Artefact, he worked on several projects involving Forecasting, Generative AI, and Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM) for several clients. In particular, he participated in the development of a causal MMM framework, to go beyond traditional methodologies.

Priya Sarkar

Priya Sarkar, Machine Learning Engineer

Artefact Benelux

Priya Sarkar is a Machine Learning Engineer at Artefact with a robust background in Software Engineering and Data Science. She holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from TU Delft. Starting with various AI topics, she focused her research on fairness algorithms in machine learning, which is published at the CSCW 2024 conference. At Artefact, Priya has specialized in GenAI, conducting research, developing proof-of-concepts, and transitioning some of them into production. She also organizes the monthly GenAI Café at Artefact.

Paul-Louis Venard

Paul-Louis Venard, Co-founder


Paul-Louis Venard is the co-founder and CEO of phospho, a text analytics platform for LLM applications. Paul-Louis holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from École des Ponts/ENS and a Master’s degree in Business from HEC Paris. Before founding phospho, Paul-Louis worked as an ML researcher in Medtech, leveraging computer vision in radiology, and in consulting at BCG.

Pierre-Louis Biojout

Pierre-Louis Biojout, Co-founder and CTO

Pierre-Louis Biojout is the co-founder and CTO of phospho, a text analytics platform for LLM applications. His current work focuses on developing robust tooling and analytics solutions for large language model-powered applications. Pierre-Louis is also one of the core contributors to LLM-colosseum, an open-source project to rank LLMs by having them play video games against each other. He holds a Masters degree in applied mathematics from École Polytechnique (l’X). Recently, Pierre-Louis led phospho through Y Combinator’s Winter 2024 batch.