Key learnings from the discussion between Charlie Flanagan, Head of AI at Balyasny Asset Management (BAM), and Adam Wenchel, CEO & Founder of Arthur AI, at the AI for Financial Services Summit by Artefact - June 12, 2024.

About Charlie Flanagan: At Balyasny Asset Management he leads the development of AI tools, including the firm’s proprietary BAM ChatGPT. He has a background as a machine learning and Python instructor at Stanford and has previously worked at Google​.

About Adam Wenchel: He founded Arthur, a company focused on enhancing AI performance through monitoring, optimization, and explainability solutions. Before founding Arthur, he was involved in machine learning and cybersecurity, serving as VP of AI at Capital One​.

Introduction to AI integration

Adam Wenchel, co-founder and CEO of Arthur, welcomes Charlie Flanigan, head of AI at Balyasny Asset Management. Balyasny Asset Management is a large hedge fund managing $21 billion across various markets. Charlie emphasizes the importance of their centralized applied AI team, consisting of six engineers and six researchers, who develop tools to enhance investment efficiency and productivity.

Adam Wenchel’s background and agenda

Adam shares his background, including his previous role leading Capital One’s AI team, and discusses the challenges of implementing AI in regulated environments. He outlines the session’s agenda: showcasing use cases where Balet Asne has successfully utilized generative AI, discussing the necessary steps for implementation, and highlighting key takeaways. The discussion also focuses on the importance of partnerships, with Balyasny Asset Management leveraging Arthur’s infrastructure and research to enhance their strategic development.

Retrieval-augmented generation system

Charlie elaborates on one of their systems, a retrieval-augmented generation system, which indexes over six million documents to provide relevant information for investment decisions. He emphasizes the importance of accurate data retrieval and addresses the risk of AI hallucinations. Adam adds that Arthur’s products include real-time firewalls to detect and block hallucinations, enhancing the reliability of AI outputs.

Value of Generative AI in investment

The conversation shifts to the value of generative AI in the investment domain. Charlie highlights examples where AI has improved productivity and generated novel insights, such as developing new questions for management meetings based on extensive data analysis. He emphasizes the evolving nature of AI technology and the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Practical aspects of AI deployment

The session concludes with a discussion on the practical aspects of AI deployment, including model selection and performance monitoring. Adam and Charlie agree that diving into AI projects and learning from experience is crucial. They encourage the audience to start experimenting with AI to discover its potential benefits.


The session concludes by emphasizing the importance of collaboration and leveraging external expertise to complement internal strategic efforts. Adam and Charlie highlight the necessity of continuous learning and adaptation in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. They encourage the audience to actively experiment with AI technologies, learning from their experiences to discover potential benefits and address challenges like model hallucinations. Both speakers stress that while AI can significantly enhance productivity and provide valuable insights, ensuring the reliability of AI outputs is crucial.

By sharing their experiences and insights, they aim to provide a roadmap for successful AI implementation. Finally, they invite the audience to engage further during the cocktail reception, encouraging questions and discussions to foster a community of collaboration and innovation in AI.